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The Pitmans Parliament Refurb
Durham Miners’ Association New Hall and Offices, affectionately known as Redhills, stands as a testament to the rich history of social progress and community enterprise in North East England and we have been delighted to be involved in the major renovation that is has gone through.
It initially opened in 1915 to replace the former Miners’ Hall building in North Road. From the Industrial Revolution to the 1960s, coal mining played a crucial role in the UK’s economy, employing hundreds of thousands of men and producing millions of tons of coal annually. The hardships faced by miners and their families paved the way for a movement of social reform, which predated the welfare state and left a lasting impact on society. Redhills, situated in Durham’s city centre, is a Grade II listed building and home to the Pitman’s Parliament, representing one of Europe’s finest examples of trade union architecture.
At the heart of Redhills is the Pitman’s Parliament, a unique assembly that provided a platform for miners to voice their concerns and shape the future of their industry. This democratic institution allowed miners to debate and pass resolutions on various issues, from pay and working conditions to broader social and political matters. The Pitman’s Parliament was a powerful symbol of working-class empowerment and was crucial in shaping the region’s social and political landscape.
As part of the full renovation the central section of the existing Parliament floor was to be removed with a whole new floor structure introduced. We were introduced to the project in November 2023 and asked to provide a quotation for Lewis Deck and we received the order, totalling 130m2, for the project in June 2024.
The Lewis Deck was collected from our warehouse a couple of days later and the installation was completed in just a few days.
The system was very easy to install even with the many changes in direction and irregular pattern of the steelwork below.
Kevin, Absolute Civil Engineering.
The Lewis Deck was laid over a new steel beam arrangement below that wasn’t square, and that ran perpendicular to existing walls the in cellar area, meaning that virtually every sheet needed to be cut in some way.
Even so the installation was carried out extremely well and when we visited the project the following week the deck was fully installed and was being prepared to take the 100mm reinforced concrete that had been specified to complete the floor.
We look forward to seeing this historic building being restored to the way it was when it was first built and used by people like my Grandad who was a pitman from the 1940’s to the 1960’s.
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Ask CDI a Question
What are the Lewis Deck sheet sizes?
AQ: What sheet sizes are held in stock for delivery within a few days after order? A: We stock 2500mm and 1300mm sheets. These are all 630mm wide and 16mm deep. Deliveries are made via the pallet network directly to site. The smaller sheets are aimed at small bathroom renovation projects and can be supplied in small numbers via TNT. 2.5* and 1.3m sheets allow for the 100mm overlap to occur over a joist, with joist centres being either 300mm, 400mm, 600mm, 800mm*, 1200mm and 2400mm*. (*2.5m sheet only) For larger projects we are able to produce bespoke sheet sizes if required, please get in contact to discuss other options for sheet sizes.
Why don't my Lewis sheets interlock like they do in the video?
AQ: Why don't my sheets interlock like they do in the video? A: The sheets have two sides (one printed, one plain), the dovetails on either side are different widths, it is then necessary to alternate the sheets print up and then print down.
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