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March is always a busy time for us. Not only is it a lot of companies end of year (so we seem to get inundated with last minute orders!) but it’s also our busiest month when it comes to trade shows, and it begins with the biggest one we do, Ecobuild.
Ecobuild, held at Londons EXCEL arena, is the leading exhibition and conference for construction, design and energy in the built environment, attracting over 33,000 high calibre, senior level decision makers and influencers from architects and developers, to local government and major infrastructure clients (their words not mine).
As for all of the exhibitions that we do the logistics of getting us there always prove to entertaining and there’s always something that either gets forgotten or lost as we transport 7 or 8 models and displays from our warehouse down to the capital. This year we’d even left it late to book a hotel for us to stay in! Fortunately we were still able to get into the hotel we’ve stayed at over the last couple of years.
So on the Monday before the show I’m up at the crack of dawn and drive up to the office from where I live down in Lancashire. By mid morning we’ve picked the van up and after some fun and games getting the displays into the van we are set and ready to go just before noon. Each year we select one of our systems that we want to have as the focal point for the show. This year we decided that our Op-Deck system was to be the one that we’d focus on. So in the run up to the show we had a cracking new model made on a much bigger display box than we have had in the past. Sounds good I hear you say! Yes, but as this system is topped off with a nice section of concrete we’d completely forgotten (and by that I mean hadn’t even considered) how heavy this thing was going to be! Watching 3 (oldish) blokes trying to pick this thing up and put it into the back of a transit van was a thing of comedy gold.
Our new Op-Deck model in place (eventually).
Anyway, following a quick bite to eat we were off heading south on the A1 on our 250 plus mile journey to the Docklands. Fortunately for me Chris decided he was driving as I’d done a 2 hour drive already that morning.
As far as journeys go it was pretty uneventful and we were down and ready to unload for around 5.30pm (this included our traditional taking the wrong lane on the last roundabout before getting to EXCEL).
Now for the fun part, how the hell do we get the Op-Deck model out of the van when we are a man down?? After a bit of quick thinking from me I managed to persuade a forktruck driver to give us 30 seconds of his time and lift said (heavy) display down for us, in the process saving us a good half hour of messing around and potentially dropping the thing and destroying it.
So with that taken care of we were all done and dusted and ready for the start of the show by 7pm. So after dumping the van at the EXCEL we were off on the tube across to Greenwich to our hotel.
Ecobuild is a 3 day show and with it being classed as the leading exhibition to be at we are fortunate to be joined by our European partners Reppel bv. This year we were joined by Reginald van Dooremalen, Reppels Sales and Marketing Manager, and for the 3 days the 3 of us for, the most part, we were ridiculously busy.
It’s always hard to tell, when you are there, how busy it is and which day was the best in terms of talking to people. You only really get a sense of that when you sit back when the show is over and carry out a full review of the amount of people you’ve scanned, how many business cards you’ve given out or received from people, and how many brochures from each system have you given out.
However saying that, this year right from the first hour on Tuesday morning we seemed to be busy right up until the last hour or so on the afternoon. This was the same for the Wednesday and Thursday too.
I was even lucky enough this year to be interviewed by a marketing agency that works specifically in the construction industry. Pauley Creative were spending the first 2 days of the show interviewing exhibitors on why they were at Ecobuild and we decided to get involved and give it ago. The video is attached below and other than looking older than I thought I looked I think it went well, considering the questions were asked cold without me knowing what they were going to be beforehand!
Overall the show went incredibly well. The number of leads that we got and the quality of people that we were able to talk to over the 3 day period of the show was of the highest quality. We know we are getting through to people and getting them to understand where we fit in and how our systems benefit projects when we get comments back like “I’d never thought of doing an upstairs this way before” or “you’ve taught me something new, I’m so pleased we came to talk to you”.
The best comment that we get though is the “we’ve specifically came to the show to talk to you guys and I’m really pleased that we did” and from the amount of times we got that comment during these 3 days we know we had a successful show.
We’re already looking forward to 2018.
Packed away and ready for home.
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Self Build & Renovations
Ask CDI a Question
What are the Lewis Deck sheet sizes?
AQ: What sheet sizes are held in stock for delivery within a few days after order? A: We stock 2500mm and 1300mm sheets. These are all 630mm wide and 16mm deep. Deliveries are made via the pallet network directly to site. The smaller sheets are aimed at small bathroom renovation projects and can be supplied in small numbers via TNT. 2.5* and 1.3m sheets allow for the 100mm overlap to occur over a joist, with joist centres being either 300mm, 400mm, 600mm, 800mm*, 1200mm and 2400mm*. (*2.5m sheet only) For larger projects we are able to produce bespoke sheet sizes if required, please get in contact to discuss other options for sheet sizes.
Why don't my Lewis sheets interlock like they do in the video?
AQ: Why don't my sheets interlock like they do in the video? A: The sheets have two sides (one printed, one plain), the dovetails on either side are different widths, it is then necessary to alternate the sheets print up and then print down.
QIs this a question?
AIf it is, this is an answer.
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